On 22nd September 2022, a session on the topic “Career Opportunities in Political Science” was conducted in DCT’s Vasantrao Dempo HSS of Arts, Science and Commerce, Cujira for the students of Arts stream under the Student Development Program in Political Science subject in the A.V room from 12.00 noon to 1.00 pm.

Resource Person for the session was Shri. Dattaprasad Shirgurkar, Associate Professor from MES College, Zuarinagar, Vasco.

The session highlighted various Career Opportunities that are available to the students after completion of their Graduation and Post Graduation studies.

The programme was compered by our student Miss. Mrugana Savaikar from std. XII Arts.

Our Principal, Mrs. Surekha Kelkar welcomed the Resource Person, Vice Principal, Ms. Minaxi Mudaliar presented a memento to the Resource person and Mr. Dhiraj Vengurlekar proposed the Vote of thanks.

Teacher in-charges were Tr. Dhiraj Vengurlekar and Tr. Utkarsh Dhawaskar.