On 24th September 2022, a session on “कवितेच जग आणि सादरीकरण” was organized in DCT’s Vasantrao Dempo HSS of Arts, Science and Commerce, Cujira for the Marathi students of std. XI and std. XII Arts, Science and Commerce in the A.V room from 11.45 am to 1.30 pm under the Student Development Program in Marathi subject.

Resource person was Prof. Vinay Bapat from Goa University.

The programme was compered by Miss. Mrugana Savaikar from std. XII Arts, a Marathi song was sung by Miss. Arya Salunke from std. XII Science and Miss. Rukma Fadke from std. XI Arts and Vote of thanks was proposed by Miss. Palomi Sapte from std. XII Science.

Tr. Antima Satarkar welcomed and introduced the Resource person and Principal, Mrs. Surekha Kelkar presented a memento to the resource person.

Principal, Mrs. Surekha Kelkar and Vice Principal, Ms. Minaxi Mudaliar were present for the session.

Teacher in-charges were Tr. Nivruthi Naik and Tr. Antima Satarkar.