DCT’s Vasantrao Dempo HSS of Arts, Science and Commerce, Cujira holds a PTA meeting to discuss the performance of their ward.

On 19th August 2022, Parents of Failure students from std. XII Science were called in the A.V room from 10.20 -11.30 am.

On 22nd August 2022, Parents of Failure students from std. XI Science & std. XII Arts were called from 8.30 -9.30 am and std. XII Commerce were called from 10.35 to 11.30 am in the A.V room / Library.

On 23rd August 2022, Parents of Failure students from std. XI Arts were called from 10.00 – 11.00 am in the A.V room/ Library.

On 24th & 25th August 2022, Parents of Failure students from std. XI Commerce were called in the A.V room from 8.30 -9.30 am.

Principal , Mrs. Surekha Kelkar ,Class Teachers and Subject Teachers addressed the parents.