Chaitanya Pratishthan Goa had organized Raksha Bandhan program on 21st August 2024 at Kala Academy Panaji.

Tr. Shraddha Prabhu along with four students, Ms. Mukta Joglekar – XI Arts A, Ms. Bhumi Kalangutkar – XI Sci B, Ms. Nikita Vishwakarma – XI Sci C and Ms. Maffi Bhati- XI Sci D from DCT’s Vasantrao Dempo HSS of Arts, Science and Commerce, Cujira, attended the program.

On behalf of Vasantrao Dempo HSS we handed over 74 beautiful Rakhis made by our students to Chaitanya Pratishthan. These Rakhi will be further sent to our Jawans at the border through proper channel.

Teacher in-charge was Mrs. Shraddha Prabhu.