As per the instructions of Goa Samagra Siksha, Directorate of Education, Govt. of Goa, DCT’s Vasantrao Dempo HSS of Arts, Science and Commerce, Cujira, had organized and executed the Adolescent Girls Training Programme: JANNANI on 14th and 15th of March 2024 for the students of our school.
The idea of this programme was to educate and spread awareness amongst students about the physical and psychological changes that occurs during puberty in boys and girls (specifically during menstrual cycle).
The following Guest speakers were invited:
1] Day 1 (14th March 2024): Mrs. Purva Narvekar, GEDC Counsellor and the topics covered were Physical changes during puberty for boys and girls, Diet and nutrition at puberty stage.
2] Day 2 (15th March 2024): Dr. Larissa Pires, RBSK Medical Officer, PHC- Chimbel and the topics covered were Menstrual Cycle, how to control mood swings during period and importance of hormonal balance during puberty.
Our Principal, Ms. Minaxi Mudaliar presented a memento to Guest Speakers as a token of appreciation at the end of the Program.
Our Counsellor, Ms. Venefrida Rodrigues compered the session.
In-charge teachers: Mrs. Indira Narvekar and Mrs. Tulsi Bhomkar.