On 1st Dec 2023, on the occasion of World AIDS day the Red ribbon club of DCT’s Vasantrao Dempo HSS of Arts, Science and Commerce, Cujira organized an informative session by Dr. Clive Anne’s in the AV room.
The session began with the inaugural address by Principal Madam Mrs. Surekha Kelkar. She spoke about the importance of providing correct information about HIV /AIDS to adolescents.
Dr. Clive Anne’s explained various aspects about transmission and measures for protection from HIV/ AIDS and how students awareness can help in reducing cases.
The prizes were given to students who participated in poster making, slogan and message competition.
The best RRC volunteers were felicitated on this occasion.
Teacher In-charges were Mrs. Shubhada Bandodkar, Mrs. Indira Narvekar, Mrs. Lina Parab and Mrs Shraddha Halwai.