As a part of celebration of (75 years of India’s Independence) Azadi ka Amrut Mohatsav Programme – “Meri Mitti Mera Desh” was organised on 8th August 2023 by NSS unit of DCT’S Vasantrao Dempo H.S.S. of Arts, Science and Commerce, Cujira in collaboration with St. Cruz Panchayat coordinated by Mr. Chetan kavlekar (NSS programme officer of DCT’S VDHSS).

Our Principal, Mrs. Surekha Kelkar gave the introductory address and welcomed the gathering and spoke about importance of planting trees.

Sarpanch of St. Cruz Panchayat ,Mrs. Jennifer De Oliveira spoke on the occasion about the importance of planting trees along Dempo Marg. St. Cruz tree plantation was done by Principal of DCT’S VDHSS and Sarpanch Mrs. Jennifer De Oliveira.

Social worker Tome De Oliveira North Goa Zilla Parishad member, Shiny De Oliveira Secretary of St. Cruz Panchayat, Bidhur Fadte & all Panch members and NSS students of DCT’S VDHSS planted trees. Around 75 saplings of trees were planted on the occasion.

Teachers from DCT’S VDHSS Mr. Chetan Kavlekar, Ms. Josephine Araujo , Mrs. Shubhada Bandodkar and Mr. Utkarsh Dhawaskar co-ordinated for the event under the guidance of Principal Mrs. Surekha Kelkar.